Mill Street, Moorestown between Second and Third Streets

It was the Thomas Gill land which continued Mill Street from Second to Third Streets. A 1700s farmhouse or two, or at least parts of it or them, were moved there to form two double houses. One on Mill Street and one on Third Street. The houses on Mill Street took their cue from nearby Second and Third Streets where you might get two feet of yard in front of your front porch to the sidewalk. This really gives an illusion that the homes are from the 1800s when most of them aren't. The ones on Second Street are.

Detail of Thomas Gill's Mill Street land on a 1876 J.D. Scott's Atlas of Burlington County

From the deed to Thomas Gill's land 1861, Plan is on both sides of Mill Street

Thomas Gill family in 1880 Census

(All of these images are from

214 Mill Street- "Franklin D. Gill house"

Owned by Thomas and Elizabeth Ann Gill's son Franklin from 1883 to 1906.

Land from Elizabeth Ann Gill's Will-

There was in 1907 a lot of "Mill Street undeveloped land" empty and I would think even woods, which now most or all of went to Thomas and Elizabeth Gill's daughter and husband, Sarah W. Mortland and Charles W. Mortland. Charles according to a 1910 Census worked as a "Dealer in Meats Shop."

Moorestown Historical Society has two photos of Mortland's Meat Market in their PDF list of Demolished Buildings.


Both sides of Mill Street in 1900.
You can forget all the 1880 house dates
the Real Estate websites etc. say.


Both sides of Mill Street in 1911.
John McChesney didn't buy his land until 1912.
"No Exposure" means no fire hazard so that would indicate an empty lot.

West side of Mill Street

A 1917 Sanborn map shows part of 218 / 220 Mill.

Below written in red over a 1923 Sanborn map
are the dates the houses on the John McChesney tract first sold.

The above "sell dates" are not when the houses were built. See the 1915 Census.
They are on there and the houses might date back as far as 1912.

There are few houses on the 1910 Census. And I checked the previous and next pages. I did find on another page 221 Mill Street.

The 1917 Sanborn insurance maps let us down and negected to show the west side of Mill street between Second and Third Streets. Census records do not cover every year and also earlier years houses were not numbered. One way to possibly find an exact house build date is Tax Rateables (Yearly) which are on microfiche at the County Tax Office in Mt. Holly. I say possibly because you might get lucky. You would see under the property owner's name and street location but will it have house numbers or list exactly how many houses? Tax rateables are concerned with overall value.

Another topic is rental houses. Well today there are apartments. Maybe something was changing in Moorestown in the banking/ mortgage department around 1919, 1920. ?

Two Twin Houses

The two twin houses built between 1907 and 1911
must have been rented until they were sold
as individual properties in or about 1920.

The Corner Store in 2010 when it was "Mr. B's Depot."

221 / 223 Mill Street. Near the left side of the second story window ends the front section of the house,
with its various sections presumably from the 1700s, moved there by Thomas Gill.

Inside step up to second story front section bedroom.

Inside stairs to attic with cat

I have heard from an owner of that house and from an owner of 6 / 8 East Third Street that there are beams held together with wood pegs.

224 Mill Street, My Grandmom and Grandpop Kemp's house from when I was 5 years old to about 20 years old. I spent a lot of weekends there.

Note- Not all of the chain of titles (at OneDrive cloud) are complete. I did all of them online using the Burlington County Clerk's website "Search Property Records." They do not yet have search "Grantors Index" for years before 1922. I do not know when I will get out to the County Clerk's to personally complete them but I probably will someday.

Source Information at my Google Drive cloud

Study by Dennis Weaver.    My email is-
