This page is only half done, and I will be adding more and then probably making it into two pages. More cheery stuff is soon to be added. Alot of the below isn't.
Below is SOME of the things that happened in the first half of Twentieth Century Maple Shade. The records are primarily newspaper extracts.
The Camden & Suburban Railway extended its streetcar (trolley) rails between Merchantville and Moorestown in 1901, it laid two sets of tracks, one on each outside edge of the turnpike. This provided the company with the opportunity to operate their cars at speed unimpeded by farm wagons and other traffic on the toll road.
The double track ended when construction crews reached the intersection of Camden Avenue and Main Street in the village of Moorestown, where local officials forced the trolley company to construct just a single track down the middle of the street instead of two along the side. At Chester Avenue it resumed two tracks. Their line went to Borton Landing Road, Moorestown. The right-of-way remained as built for the line's entire existence with trolley service ending in 1928. The trolleys were discontinued with the use of buses.
The Edward Cutler Real Estate field office was placed at the notheast corner of Main Street and Forklanding Road in 1907. This photo would be post 1909 as you can see School No. 1 in the background.
The Moorestown and Camden Turnpike was purchased by Burlington County and Camden County by Deeds of Cession, Nov. 2, 1907.
New Jersey Secretary of State
1914 Corporations of New Jersey : List of Certificates to December 21, 1911. MacCrellish & Quigley, State Printers, Trenton, New Jersey, p. 439.
The portion in Burlington County was 3.11 Miles Long, and began at the westerly end of the village of Moorestown, near the Haddonfield road (now Kings Highway), and extended to the bridge over the west branch of the Pennsauken Creek, the Camden county line.
Maple Shade's first newspaper, "The Maple Shade Progress," was issued for the first time on November 4th, 1916. William Brown, who had a small printing press in his home at what is now 537 Cutler Avenue, was the original owner and publisher. Brown later sold out to Frank Gerkins, Sr., and his son has carried it on since his retirement. -Arthur Cutler
The following are all from the New Jersey Mirror newspaper-
February 21, 1917- under "Moorestown"
If the township of Chester is divided so as to make Moorestown a separate township, as has been proposed, the residents of Maple Shade will ask to be incorporated into either a new township or a borough. Residents there want town water, which the representatives from the other sections of the township object to, on the grounds that the cost is out of proportion to the taxes paid into the township treasury.
February 28, 1917- Maple Shade- At a joint meeting of two hundred residents of this place and Lenola, a resolution was adopted that neither community desired a partition of Chester township, as proposed by Moorestown. Moorestown is desirous that it shall be either a township to itself or incorporated into a borough, on the ground that it pays a large part of the taxes and does not receive the proper proportion in improvements. Lenola and Maple Shade (Moorestown residents claim- typo) object to the division because they would lose the advantage of these sums paid into the treasury.
May 1917- Residents of Maple Shade have asked the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to give it the same train service that is afforded Merchantville and Moorestownn and erect a new station.
The Carels attended the Congregational Church which was planning to build on land later used for the old Municipal Building. The large Lippincott farm barn was razed for the Congregational Church and since they built it within a year or two of 1917, instead on North Forklanding Road, perhaps the barn wood is in that building.
The following are all from the New Jersey Mirror newspaper-
Moorestown news- May 8, 1918- After a century of business, the famous Coles Hotel will sell its last glass of liquor and close its doors on May 13, as a result of the town voting dry at the special election on April 26.
May 15, 1918-
(Note this and many Maple Shade news are listed under "Moorestown")
The voters of Maple Shade have decided to issue bonds for $6,000 with which to erect a fire house.
July 24, 1918-
George Martin, 9 years old, of Maple Shade was struck by an automobile on the Moorestown Pike and his scalp lacerated. The autoist stopped and took the boy to the Cooper Hospital for treatment and then returned him to his home.
August 14, 1918-
(Moorestown related news)
Paraphrased- S.L. Allen & Co., manufacturers of farm implements purchased 2 factory buildings at 5th and Glenwood Sts. Philadelphia for $454,500 and a mortgage of $40,000. The one building is a 1 and 2 story building and the other a 5 story building. The buildings have been occupied by them for some time.
August 21, 1918- William C. Frech, son of William Frech, of Maple Shade, who is in the Marine Service, is in training at Paris Island, South Carolina. He is only seventeen years of age and graduated this year from the Wenonah Military Academy. On account of being under age a special permit to enlist was secured by his father.
November 20, 1918- Work on re-surfacing the Moorestown Pike, through Maple Shade is now nearly completed and the contractor promises the entire pike will be turned over to the county by Christmas if the weather continues open.
November 27, 1918- The young people of Maple Shade are to renovate the field club grounds, opposite the station, and turn it into a town recreation field by spring.
June 25, 1919- At a meeting of the Chester Board of Education held last week an appropiation of $86,500 was made for a new school house in Maple Shade.
September 17, 1919 Moorestown- The two new school buses purchased by Chester township are in operation. They will carry forty children each. They cannot be driven at a speed exceeding fifteen miles an hour, as an automobile governor controls them to that limit.
December 17, 1919- Headway is being made so rapidly on the building of the new $100,000 eleven room grade public school at Maple Shade, that the Chester Township Board of Education declares it will be completed, furnished and ready for occupancy at the opening of the next school semester in 1920.
December 31, 1919- Moorestown- Work of rebuilding the Moorestown Pike through town has been abandoned for the winter with the street left almost impassible. Near Maple Shade where the bridge is being built across the Pensauken Creek, this operation has also been abandoned and left in such a condition that several automobile accidents have occured.
From the Mount Holly Herald newspaper, February 21, 1920-
The Maple Shade Betterment League now has two hundred and sixty members. The organization is only eight months old and is doing wonderful work. The first meeting was attended by five members and its present membership indicates how remarkably it has grown. Its influence in local affairs has increased proportionately with the membership. Maple Shade has made some wonderful strides during the past year. All of our lines of business that the town needs under ordinary conditions are now established here in satisfactory stores and a new building for a movie palace is about finished. The population has greatly increased and the town is still climbing.
From the Mount Holly Herald newspaper, May 1, 1920-
Electric light poles are going up on West Broadway, some of the results of the efforts of the Betterment League.
The work on the new school is making rapid headway, and it surely does look as though there is something back of Maple Shade.
The Reeves brickyard, which was recently sold to Mr. Pardee, of Collingswood, has resumed operations, and expects to be going full blast very soon.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Maple Shade Fire Company will give a dance in the fire house on May 12 for the benefit of the organization that they are helping so nobly to support.
The New Jersey State Militia Reserves of Maple Shade, who have received their honorable discharges, have all been presented with a very neat insignia which they are all proud of wearing.
The Maple Shade Athletic Association is stepping right along with the arrangements for its base ball season. Five games have been scheduled with good teams and the Zane tract is being put in fine condition for the sports. The local workers extend an invitation to the people of Moorestown and surrounding communities to attend the games and have a good time along with Maple Shade enthusiasts.
From the New Jersey Mirror newspaper, July 7, 1920-
Moorestown- Maple Shade, near here, has just recieved its tenth promise from the Pennsylvania Railroad that the station will be rebuilt. The ? is about twenty times as large now as when the small shed that serves as a station was built.
Paraphrased from the Mount Holly Herald newspaper, Possibly 1920-
Supper and May Hop. Funds for the building of the Catholic Church. 500 dollars was raised from serving 800 dinners. The event was held at the Episcopal Church parish house!
Maple Shade Betterment League was incorporated on December 1, 1920 (src- Index of Corporations A-Z book at county clerk's with a reference to H/176
From the New Jersey Mirror newspaper, April 6, 1921-
Barlow & Company, the real estate operators are building branch offices at Woodbury Heights and Lenola.
Paraphrased from the Mount Holly Herald newspaper, April 9, 1921-
Five men elected from the Betterment League to have municipal affairs presented to Chester township committee when it meets at Moorestown.
The Maple Shade Betterment League bought land from Rufus Brubaker, Jesse Brubaker, etc... on West Main Street on April 22, 1921 for 1500 dollars.
Paraphrased from the Camden Post Telegram, 1921 I think,
An article talking about Moorestown before separating. Said they want to be concerned with their affairs and not Maple Shade's. Maple Shade should look after its own affairs. Lenola is going with them.
From the New Jersey Mirror newspaper, September 14, 1921-
Additional protection from fire has been provided Maple Shade residents in the outlying districts. Alarms have been placed on North Forklanding road in the Fifth avenue near Maple Shade park. The alarm for the south side of the town is at South Forklanding and Mill roads. While the central section of the town is protected by the alarm at the fire house.
Here to for much valuable time was lost in the outlying districts because of the delay in reaching the alarm at the fire house. The placing of the new alarms will eliminate all such delays.
Below are misc. infos from the Camden Post Telegram newspaper-
January 10, 1922, under "Moorestown" news- AT a meeting of the Chester Township Committee held in Moorestown Town Hall, Theodore O. Sauselein, of Maple Shade, was elected Chairman of the board.
Jauary 12, 1922, Harry Gilbert's daughter was Mrs. Earl W. Johnson.
January 16, 1922, Excitement was caused on Main street Saturday morning in when a truck ran into a milk wagon, standing in front of the William Fahr grocery store, causing the frightened animal to run away. The animal cashed up Poplar avenue and fell on the slippery ice in front of the school house. A Veteranarian was procured and relieved the suffering of the horse by cutting away a portion of the jaw, which was found to be fractured.
January 18, 1922, A monthly meeting of the Maple Shade Betterment League will be held in the basement of the Congregational Church Friday evening.
From the Mount Holly Herald newspaper, January 28, 1922-
Moorestown Seeks Separation From Maple Shade.
Another movement has been started to separate the Maple Shade territory from the rest of Chester township, legal notice having been given by some Moorestown citizens that they will apply to the legislature next Monday night for the passage of a bill to incorporate into a new township to be known as the "Township of Moorestown." Most of the township of Chester that is considered outside the Maple Shade district. The notice is signed by George B. Ulmer Jr., Thomas H. Hollingshead, John M. McChesney, Nathan L. Wright, and H.F. Hall.
Whether this is going to start another fight is not known, but if there has been no change of feeling since the proposition was up for discussion about three years ago the matter will not slide through like greased lightning. The new move of the Moorestown people provides for new lines and gives Maple Shade a larger area than it had when there was almost an uprising against the divorce proceedings. Maple Shade taxpayers generally were bitterly opposed to the first separation suggestion on the ground that the action of the Moorestown people would throw them entirely on their own resources and rob them of the public benefits that they had helped Moorestown to get, one of the big items considered being the Moorestown water system. Maple Shade would have to shoulder all of its school expenses, build its own sewer system, take care of its own roads and handle all municipal obligations- the equivalent of being divorced without alimony and nothing in sight, so to speak.......
Below are misc. infos from the Camden Post Telegram newspaper-
February 3, 1922, The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company opened their store on Main street, yesterday.
February 7, 1922, Fred Barlow's automobile was demolished by a westbound trolley car on Main street and Evergreen avenue.
April 3, 1922, A town meeting will be held in the Barlow Building, Wednesday evening, to discuss ways and means for the government of the town in anticipation of the separation from Moorestown.
From the New Jersey Mirror newspaper, February 22, 1922-
A committee from Maple Shade waited on the Moorestown Committee the other evening to talk over the bill presented to the New Jersey Legislature relative to forming of a borough of Moorestown. The proposition is to make the dividing line at the Lenola bridge, which will leave Maple Shade a small area and insufficient assessable property.
From the New Jersey Mirror newspaper, March 29, 1922-
A referendum election which has been called for April 25, at which time the voters of Moorestown, Lenola and Stanwick will decide whether they will secede from old Chester township and form "Moorestown township." If the voters decide in favor of secession, Maple Shade will be the only town left in Chester township. The legislature passed a law giving Moorestown, Lenola and Stanwick the right to call a referendum to decide on forming a new township.
The action of the legislature was greatly opposed by residents of Maple Shade, but they have not requested the right to participate in the impending election, because it appears that voters are somewhat divided on the proposed change. Thomas J.S. Barlow, one of the founders of Maple Shade, says that the town might have a hard struggle at first but must face the inevitable. The town is developing at a rapid pace. an evidence of which is the fact that more than 100 new houses will be erected in the town this year. Many persons feel certain that the town will become self-supporting quite rapidly.
Chester Township-The Township of Maple Shade, in the County of Burlington, New Jersey, was the last remaining part of Chester Township, which was incorporated on November 6, 1698, the territory now encompassed by the Townships of Maple Shade, Moorestown, Cinnaminson, Palmyra, Riverton, and Delran. By an Act of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey, approved March 15, 1860, the Township of Chester was divided into the Township of Chester, and the Township of Cinnaminson. (Later Cinnaminson was divided into Cinnaminson, Palmyra, Riverton, and Delran.) On March 11, 1922, the State Legislature approved an Act to incorporate the Township of Moorestown and by special election held on April 25, 1922, the inhabitants of the Township of Moorestown approved the adoption of said Act and the Township of Moorestown became "a politic and corporate, separate and apart from the Township of Chester." The separation went into effect on June 30, 1922. On November 6, 1945 the voters of the Township of Chester, by a vote of 1067 to 74 voted to change the name from the Township of Chester to the Township of Maple Shade. |
From the New Jersey Mirror newspaper, May 17, 1922-
Maple Shade is preparing for its government under the new conditions since Moorestown township has been created out of Chester township. Three commissioners are to be chosen and among those mentioned are Eugene H. Hill of the Maple Shade Water Co., Jesse Brubaker, E. Brubaker & Sons, William Frech of the William Frech Co., and Thomas J.S. Barlow Sr. founder of Maple Shade.
(The actual first Township Committee would be- Theodore Cash Sauselein, Howard H. Walker, and William Frech.)
Maple Shade established in 1910 with a population of ninety has grown to a thriving community of 2,500. It is estimated that more than a hundred homes will be built this year.
Below are misc. infos from the Camden Post Telegram newspaper-
June 5, 1922, Owing to a tie vote for member of the Township Committee at the election last November between Alfred M. Addison of Maple Shade, and H.L. Jacoby of Moorestown, there has been a vacancy on the committee which has never been filled, which only gave this town one member on the committee Theodore Sauselein being the hold-over member. William G. Frech Sr., of the William Frech Company, local wagon builders, has been appointed to fill the vacancy which will give Maple Shade a representive board until the appointment of a new one, next November.
June 7, 1922, Dance under the auspices of the Atheletic Association at the newly erected dancing pavillion in the rear of the Barlow Building.
June 12, 1922, At the monthly meeting of the Betterment League held on Friday evening, a committee consisting of Edward R. McAllister, Joseph Bickely and Jessie Brubaker were appointed to confer with other organizations of the town to arrange for a fitting and appropriate observance of Independance Day.
June 16, 1922, Open air dancing to-morrow evening at the new dance pavillion on South Fork Landing road, under the auspice of the Athletic Association.
June 22, 1922, Tonight occurs the second performance of the annual minstrel show given by the Betterment League troupe in the New Community Hall, assisted by Miss Marie ?, costume dancer. (So much for Arthur Cutler's statement that the Community Hall was built in the Fall of 1922.)
June 29, 1922, John S.E. Pardee, local brick manufacturer, has been awarded the annual contract by the highway department of Philadelphia for all their brick requirements for the next twelve months.
July 1922 Twp Committee was Wm. Frech Sr. Theodore Sauselein, H.H. ? Walker
Town Meeting held in the "new school."
September (15?), 1922, Police Chief Clarence L.M. Ward issues speed limit of 12 m.p.h.
September 23, 1922, says Meeting held at the Community Hall, which is town's largest hall. (Firemans' convention thing)
Sept 28,1922 mentions "brickyard hill"
October 22, 1922- Halloween Masquarade Ball in Community Hall.
December 16, 1922, Movies which have been held for some time at the Community Hall.
Paraphrased from the Camden Post Telegram, September 15, 1922-
Town Meeting at Loux's Moving Pictures Parlor.
1000 people jamned the Loux Moving Pictures Parlor. Over 100 cars were parked outside it. Those who could not fit inside listened from outside to the meeting. Both the Republican and Democratic political parties were saying how they could bring water to the town.
One group of a political Committee mentioned were Fred A. Barlow, Oscar Anderson, Charles Fredericks.
At this meeting or another meeting John S.E. Pardee (brickyards) talked on the water needed and said it was a bond issue to solve the problem. also another article saying new water mains for Maple Heights could see them having water by December.
From the Camden Post Telegram, October 13, 1922-
Residents of this town will be shocked to hear of the death of Benjamin Stiles, who passed into the Great Beyond at his home near Bordentown on Wednesday evening. Mr. Stiles and his family were pioneer residents of Maple Shade and lived in the old Stiles homestead on Stiles avenue, now the home of the Maple Shade Silk Company. Mr. Stiles was in his fifty-fifth year. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth R. Stiles, and three daughters. Funeral services will be held from his late residence to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock and interment will be made in Colestown.
From the Camden Post Telegram, Friday December 1, 1922-
Oscar Anderson, local contractor for Barlow and Company, Inc., has completed the erection of 74 houses here and has the contracts for 100 additional ones to be built in the spring.
From the Camden Post Telegram newspaper, May 3, 1923-
Work has begun on an addition to the office of the Barlow & Co., Inc., local real estate developers. The addition will be two stories, 100 X 80. The lower part will be utilized in additional office room while the second floor will be fitted as a modern hall.
From the Camden Post Telegram newspaper, Decmber 6, 1923-
A Community Christmas entertainment for the kiddies of Maple Shade is being planned by the Ladies' Auxillary of the Betterment League, on New Year's Day. To obtain funds for the event the Auxillary will give a masked dance in the Community Hall on Wednesday evening, December 12.
Sauer Kraut Supper given in School No. 2 by Parent Teacher Association.
In "South Jersey A History" published in 1924, we read the fact that Theodore Sauselein has since been replaced by Thomas J.S. Barlow Sr.
The 1924 Chester Township Committee and government were as follows-
Township Committee- Howard H. Walker (Chairman), William Frech, and Thomas J.S. Barlow Sr.
Clerk- Samuel Willis, Collector- Ernest C. Stacker, Assessor- Louis A. Cramer, Treasurer- George W. Remsen. It lists other services as well....
Immanuel Baptist Church moved from Fellowship- | |
Before moving-![]() From the Camden Post Telegram October 2, 1924. |
After moving-![]() From the Camden Post Telegram October 31, 1924. |
From the Camden Post Telegram newspaper, October 31, 1924-
Ladies of Betterment League Offer Prizes for Juvenile Parade
The fourth annual Halloween celebration under the auspices of the Ladies' Auxillary of the Maple Shade Betterment League, will he held tonight. The festivities will begin with a parade on Main street at seven o'clock with numerous prizes for various costumes. Following the parade, a masque ball will be held in the Community Hall. The children's parade has been one of the features of past celebrations and with an increased number of grand prizes, tonight's celebration gives promise of being largely attended and keen competition for the prizes is expected.
Sewer Ordinance for sewer system that went in in 1927.
From an unknown Camden newspaper, Wednesday September 29, 1926-
Klan Celebrates Victory With Fire, Cross Burned at Maple Shade After Permit is Issued for Parade
Maple Shade, Sept. 29.- Elated by the fact that a permit was granted by Maple Shade officials giving permission to parade on Saturday night members of the Ku Klux Klan burned a large cross on a vacant lot opposite the home of Fred Barlow, at Main and Pine streets last night.
A woman who refused to give her name saw more than thirty cars atop near her home on Stiles avenue shortly after midnight. Later, seeing the blaze, she called the police headquarters who in turn notified the fire department. In a short time the fire was extinquished after a crowd numbering several hundred had been attracted to the scene.
The Ku Klux Klan were given a permit at a meeting of Chester township committee to parade on Saturday evening in Maple Shade providing the Klansmen march without masks.
This was decided upon after more then a half an hour's discussion on the subject, between the township committee and a delegation of ten members of the Klan.
This was the third time the committee was asked for a permit, the two previous requests being refused due to the Klan desiring to mask. The delegation then asked for a permit to parade even though they discarded the mask and the request was granted.
From the New York Times, February 28, 1929, Thursday
SEEK TAX COLLECTOR IN $15,880 SHORTAGE; Chester (N.J.) Officials Declare Missing Man's Records Show Discrepancy.
MAPLE SHADE, N.J., Feb. 27.-- A fugitive warrant was issued here today for Ernest C. Stacker, former tax collector of Chester Township.
(Ernest Stacker served a jail sentence for embezzlement. One later Progress article states an estimated $23,000.)
In 1935 the Prudential Insurance Company of Newark aquired title to 73 bungalows and sold them all by around July of 1937. The bungalows were in Maple Shade, Lenola, and Delaware Townships.
July 1935- The old Maltese property at Pine and Maple Heights is being torn down. It is one of the oldest buildings in Maple Shade and condemned as a fire hazard.
(This is the 1700s-1800s Roberts, Lippincott, Mason farmhouse.)
1935- N.J. State Sales Tax
2% , except milk and purchases under 13 cents.
plans to reopen the ERA night school in Maple Shade- A few of the courses are- Automobile repairs for women, First Aid, home care of the sick, LOCAL HISTORY, Antique refinishing, sewing, and handcraft and Shop.
In 1935 houses get water meters, plumbers report that 1,224 of the 1,500 water meters had been installed in Maple Shade.
Below is an article from a October 27, 1935 Progress. This is about the bottom of the Depression. The Civic League was asking that Maple Shade be annexed to Camden County.
Maple Shade Progress,
Maple Shade, N.J.
Dear Editor:
Just an answer to your editorial of October 10 entitled, "A Pipe Dream." The stand taken by the Merchantville Community News, is to say the least, amusing.
It is not a question whether the voters of Camden County will accept Maple Shade or not, that is between the taxpayers of Maple Shade and the State Legislature. Second: We will agree that the citizens of Burlington County will object to it. Why not? They stand to lose twenty thousand dollars per year, which the taxpayers of Maple Shade are compelled to pay to maintain a high school for Moorestown, which part rightfully belongs to Maple Shade. Third: Maple Shade never voted itself free from Moorestown. We had no say in the matter. We were just cast aside by the good fathers of Moorestown, after they had Chester Township subdivided to their advantage. Moorestown taking our water works and valuable sewage disposal plant, which places Maple Shade in the position which it is today, with the highest tax rate in the State of New Jersey, with the adjoining municipalities of Moorestown and Mount Laurel among the lowest.
As to the saloons along the Main Street, the citizens are helpless in this matter. The local politicians look out for that end of it. It may be a "pipe dream," and true, we may be "reaching for the moon," but we have no intention of standing still and permiting Burlington County to use Maple Shade both as a political football and a sugar daddy to pay the salaries of teachers and principals at Moorestown High, when we can be included in the Camden metropolitan area, with such splendid institutions of learning as the Woodrow Wilson high school of Camden and the Vocational Training School of Browning road, both State institutions coming under the State Board of education. Our money is just as acceptable there as anywhere else and it will mean a reduced cost in transportation both for our pupils and to and from our places of employment in the metropolitan area, under the same terms as is granted by The Bell Telephone Co., to its patrons in Maple Shade, listed under the Camden metropolitan area.
While it is only true that a large part of our population was induced to invest their life savings in Maple Shade through sauve real estate agents who first started us "reaching for the moon," by disposing of our property in the city to come and find out that we settled in Utopia. It surely was "a pipe dream" and we were happy "till our pipe went out."
It is far better to "reach for the moon" than to stand still and be slaves for the balance of our natural lives, by submitting to everything that is thrown at us from Burlington County with which we have nothing in common.
It is the policy of this organization to continue to use every method within the law as it did to reduce the school budget, to get away from the octopus which has a strangle hold on our innocent taxpayers, Burlington County.
Acting Secretary
Maple Shade Civic League.
They said that it was ridiculous to think of Camden County annexing Maple Shade but said we were more "of them"-
"So far as the interests of the majority of its residents are concerned, Maple Shade logically belongs more to Camden then to Burlington. Many of its people daily travel to Camden and Philadelphia, from which latter city a large percentage of present- day residents came. Many of the people speak the lanquage of Pennsylvania and some are graduates of the Keystone State's school of politics."
1937- Retirement dinner for Police Chief Clarence L.E. Ward was held at the German Kitchen. Arthur N. Cutler was the toastmaster. Rev Ralph J. Steinhauer invoked the blessing on the meal. Chief Ward served as Police Chief of Maple Shade for the past quarter of a century.
The Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help was at Main Street and South Poplar Avenue, now the site of the OLPH school addition.
The shrine was formally dedicated on Sunday, August 15, 1937. The history of the shrine is that it stands out as unique in the history of Catholic Parochial life. It was built by members of the parish under the direction of the Rev. George E. Duff, rector of the local church. It was used on June 20th 1937 for a gigantic field mass held in conjunction with the American Legion's Drum and Bugle Corps. competition.
Information from the February 3, 1938 Progress-
Maple Shade got its 20th liquor license, even though the other taproom license holders vigorously protested and petitioned against it. They had been asking for the number of liquor licenses to be limited then reduced until they would be lowered to a ratio of 1 per every 500 town residents.
Despite the effort of the other taproom owners, all five council members voted "yes" in granting the 20th license. There was, however, a limiting ordinance passed at this time, limiting the number of saloons and license holders on Main Street, and 2000 feet of it, to fourteen. No limit was set to saloons in other parts of the town.
Maple Heights Building & Loan Liquidation Sale-
George B. Evans who was a trustee for the Maple Heights Building & Loan bought about twenty of the fifty three recently upgraded and improved properties at their auction in 1938.
The Peace Monument was at Main Street and South Poplar Avenue near the Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, now the site of the OLPH school addition.
The monument was unveiled and dedicated on Sunday, August 14, 1938 with a rally, parade, and a Military Field Mass held at the shrine. This was the third Military Field Mass held in Maple Shade, the previous two attracting crowds of 15,000 people.
The dedication was sponsored jointly by Antrim-Mentz Post No. 66, Maple Shade American Legion, Colonel Lindsley Chapter, Disabled American War Veterans, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church.
Practically all American Legion and Veteran's organizations, along with their musical units, within a 100 miles radious, were invited. The Peace Monument was erected in memory of all Americans who defended their country in time of war. It was a massive monument of marble and granite, the materials and the labor being donated by civic-minded residents.
The monument bore the inscription: "In this Memorial As In The Hearts of The People is Enshrined Forever The Valor Of The United States Army and Navy Living and Dead. 1776- 1938. Maple Shade, N.J."
In 1944, Miss Ella Call of Linwood Ave. started a petition which had 987 signatures asking the Township Committee to limit the number of bars and decrease them as they are attempted to be transferred to new ownerships. The Fortnightly Club and the Lions Club also suggested an ordinance to close them for all Sunday hours.
In 1944, the number of liquor licenses issued was 20 listed as 18 plenary retail consumption licenses; one retail distrubution license (package goods) and one club license.
He said the place was to be a psychologic institution known as "The Maple Shade Retreat." Brenman said that he believed that it would be a worthwhile institution for Maple Shade. He said the group had about $30,000 to begin the project and planned to spend $15,000 repairing and equipping the building. He said a fence would be placed around the building and sometime in the future about 10 homes would be built somewhere in the vicinty of the Barlow Mansion to house the nurses and attendants. He said that the building would hold about 75 patients.
A Mental Hospital with the intended use as a hospital or sanitorium for the insane, feeble minded and other persons mentally deficient as put by the towns people at the August 1946 town meeting was to be disapproved. Petitioners gathered over 1000 signatures on various petitions against it.
Real estate agents Frederick and Harry Renwick were urging the township to accept the offer saying except for three families living in the mansion (I imagine renters) it has been sitting idle for years. The Township Committee turned down the offer. Brenman said he also withdrew the offer when he heard of the towns people's petitions. Township Committee Chairman Edwin F. D'Ancona said that he wanted to go on record to offer it as a community house. This created quite a stir which got heated because residents were already planning a community house to be built at Main St. and Stiles Aves.